A forest in autumn, rays of sunlight bursting through the foliage and tree trunks.

News and Blogs

Insight from the experts at Touchstone, the leading Infor SunSystems partner in Europe: helping you to find a smarter way.

Coronavirus: COVID-19 TouchstoneFMS Statement

Coronavirus – Covid-19: A TouchstoneFMS Statement Update: 13th July 2020 In light of recent Government advice relating to the Coronavirus situation in the UK, we have published additional information relating to our Helpdesk & Service delivery team. The Helpdesk and Service delivery team has, for many years, been able to work seamlessly & fully operational … Continued

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A stack of disposable face masks is seen from the centre to the right edge of this image, against a bright blue background.

To Cloud or Not to Cloud? Top 10 Reasons Why You Should

Never has this question been more relevant than now, living and working through this new reality and transitioning to the “New Normal” as a result of this unforeseen and constantly unfolding pandemic. A big question that Boards and Senior Management Teams up and down the country will be asking themselves is, “do we actually need … Continued

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An outline graphic of a computer server in white on a background of a bright blue sky with fluffy white clouds.

Building a Helpdesk that Actually Helps

I’ve spent over 20 years at the sharp end of customer support services and over that time i’ve seen many changes in the way organisations engage with customers; from the increase in the range of services offered, to the technology that has transformed the way helpdesks operate. Most importantly, I have seen the shift change … Continued

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A woman seen from behind, sat at a desk working on a laptop and holding a phone to her ear.

Touchstone Support – FAQ’s

Did you know… That Touchstone clients have access to a comprehensive FAQ section in our online portal. The FAQ’s cover all the issues and errors we are commonly asked about, with a guide to resolving them quickly and easily. Use the search function at the top of the home dashboard in the online portal, start typing … Continued

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A square speech bubble made of white card, in front of a light green background. The shape of a question mark is cut out of the centre of the speech bubble,
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