Automation for SunSystems, powered by Sysynkt

Thursday 23rd November 2023| 10AM – 11AM | Online


Join us on Thursday 23rd November 2023 – Webinar Automation for SunSystems, powered by Sysynkt.

Join us for this webinar to learn how you can bring the power of AI and automation to SunSystems with Sysynkt. During this session, we will showcase two key modules: Bank Reconciliation and Purchase Invoice Automation. Watch in real-time the ease with which transactions can be matched and a bank reconciliation performed. See how invoices can be ingested, read, coded using AI, and work flowed around for authorisation and finally posted to SunSystems.

The webinar will be presented by SunSystems expert Penny Philipps, and Sysynkt founder Kalev Kalamäe, they will also answer your questions. 

Attendance of this webinar is free of charge but requires registration and is open to all SunSystems users.

Automation for SunSystems, powered by Sysynkt
Thursday 23rd November
10am GMT

Registrations are now closed.

Registrations are now closed. Leave your details below to watch the recording. 

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